President Trump’s most recent remark regarding the tension-loaded Middle East – that a sizeable part of Gaza’s 2.4 million Palestinian inhabitants should be “cleaned out” of the war torn strip and moved to Egypt and/or Jordan, “temporarily or…long term…
Kategoriarkiv: Middle East
The Syrian revolution, Phase 2: Irael and Turkey seizes the opportunity
Perhaps it can be debated whether “revolution” is a useful description of recent days’ astonishing events in crisis-ridden Syria, after all these years of devastating warfare, but regardless of label it is clear to everyone that rarely in the history o…
The bumpy road to ceasefire – Lessons from Lebanon and Gaza, and Sudan, and for Ukraine
Happy news from Lebanon, for its battered people and for regional peace; finally an agreement on ceasefire, or truce, or cessation of hostilities, names vary. Some will sigh with relief merely at having survived, and more than a million Lebanese will n…
Approaching 2024: The anatomy of security concerns – Globally and regionally
As the problematic year 2023 storms towards its conclusion, carrying with it a flood of alarmist analyses in the international discourse with regards to the global and regional security situation, it would seem imperative to seek to specify the securit…