The world after Feb 24, 2022: The dilemma of (“successful”) deterrence, Cases of Ukraine and Middle East

Deterrence in the context of contemporary geo-political turbulence, i.e., “successful deterrence”, is an indispensable key to peace and security (in the absence of common values and norms and interests), but as demonstrated by experiences and lessons l…

Nuclear weapons related reserarch in Finland and Sweden – What do we need?

Finland and Sweden have finally joined the North Atlantic alliance NATO and have pledged to be loyal, constructive and reliable partners. What both nations sought was full Article 5 security, including protection against nuclear threats, intimidation a…

Sveriges bidrag till Natos avskräckningsförmåga – inför försvarsberedningens rapport

Bakgrund Hur bör den försvarsmakt som Sverige ska bidra med till Natos gemensamma avskräckningsförmåga se ut? Försvarsberedningen ska om lite drygt en månad, den 26 april, ge svar på den frågan. Här några förslag som jag gärna skulle vilja se i beredni…

Will Strategic Stability Between the West and Russia Require Arms Control?

Arguably, there is a need to connect the dots between four somewhat separate discourses: military rearmament in Russia, conditions for peace in Ukraine, rebuilding defense in the West and prospects for future arms control. A recent article posted by th…

Svensk försvarsindustri blir en viktig tillgång i NATO

Det kommande NATO-inträdet öppnar en mängd nya affärsmöjligheter för den svenska försvarsindustrin. Som Ukrainakriget har visat gäller det för NATO att ligga steget före i den högteknologiska utveckling som nu går med rekordfart. *                    *…

Approaching 2024: The anatomy of security concerns – Globally and regionally

As the problematic year 2023 storms towards its conclusion, carrying with it a flood of alarmist analyses in the international discourse with regards to the global and regional security situation, it would seem imperative to seek to specify the securit…

On the future of European Defence industry

That the European defence industry is fragmented is a problem which has been under discussion at least since the beginning of the millennium and the birth of the European security and defence policy. It was from the start a standard topic in informal c…