It is not easy to follow and to understand what the strange and scary events in recent weeks across the Atlantic have been really about, other than that Donald Trump is so keen to make peace in the Russia-Ukraine war since February 2022 – as pledged th…
Kategoriarkiv: Omvärldsläget
Hur illa skadad är den transatlantiska länken? – Tankar om det otänkbara efter Londontoppmötet
Detta skrivs söndag kväll (2 mars), efter dagens euro-kanadensiska toppmöte i London och kvällens TV-begivenheter, först en expertpanels svar på frågor från en oroad svensk allmänhet och därefter ett Agenda med ledande företrädare för riksdagspartierna…
Trump and the fragile ceasefires in Lebanon and Gaza
President Trump’s most recent remark regarding the tension-loaded Middle East – that a sizeable part of Gaza’s 2.4 million Palestinian inhabitants should be “cleaned out” of the war torn strip and moved to Egypt and/or Jordan, “temporarily or…long term…
Det behövs fler snabbspår! Projektet SV-A-Rs mellanrapport i ljuset av Sälen
Denna video analyserar viktiga punkter i diskussionen som hölls den 12-14 januari 2025 i Sälen, Sverige, i närvaro av kungen, svenska regeringsmedlemmar, överbefälhavaren, SACEUR och andra, angående Sveriges säkerhetsutmaningar. Den hänvisar till mel…
Mellanöstern-crecsendo inför maktskiftet i Vita huset
Så här dagarna inför slutet på Biden-administrationen, inför Trump-tillträdet på måndag, handlar den internationella diplomatin mycket – mest – om ett Gaza-avtals slutliga vara eller icke vara. I skrivande stund, onsdagen 15/1 konstateras att eldupphör…
Mellanöstern-crecsendo inför maktskiftet i Vita huset
Så här dagarna inför slutet på Biden-administrationen, inför Trump-tillträdet på måndag, handlar den internationella diplomatin mycket – mest – om ett Gaza-avtals slutliga vara eller icke vara. I skrivande stund, onsdagen 15/1 konstateras att eldupphör…
The Syrian revolution, Phase 2: Irael and Turkey seizes the opportunity
Perhaps it can be debated whether “revolution” is a useful description of recent days’ astonishing events in crisis-ridden Syria, after all these years of devastating warfare, but regardless of label it is clear to everyone that rarely in the history o…
The bumpy road to ceasefire – Lessons from Lebanon and Gaza, and Sudan, and for Ukraine
Happy news from Lebanon, for its battered people and for regional peace; finally an agreement on ceasefire, or truce, or cessation of hostilities, names vary. Some will sigh with relief merely at having survived, and more than a million Lebanese will n…
Trump – En folkvald ”diktator”, för en dag, eller kanske ett år?
Det skulle ju vara ett så otroligt jämnt val, enligt alla bedömare och kommentatorer, enligt samstämmiga opinionsundersökning som troddes ha lärt sig läxor från tidigare misslyckanden. Fenomenalt jämnt i hart när alla vågmästarstater (”swing states”), …
Centimeter från katastrof – Vad händer nu?
Knappt hade Donald Trump – i valmötet i Butler Farm Show i Pennsylvania strax före republikanernas stora presidentvalkonvent – hunnit dra sina karakteristiska tirader om kommande migrantdeportationer m m, och om ”crocked Joe”, när Thomas Matthew Crooks…
The world after Feb 24, 2022: The dilemma of (“successful”) deterrence, Cases of Ukraine and Middle East
Deterrence in the context of contemporary geo-political turbulence, i.e., “successful deterrence”, is an indispensable key to peace and security (in the absence of common values and norms and interests), but as demonstrated by experiences and lessons l…
Joe Biden´s mardröm om Gaza
Även för en betydligt yngre amerikansk president skulle den aktuella problembördan rimligen vara något av en mardröm. Kombinationen av pågående ryska aggressionskrig i Ukraina, åtalet mot sonen Hunter, besvärande allmänpolitisk motvind i tvekampen mot …
Local elections in Turkey – A cold shower for “invincible” Erdogan
An astonishing volte-face in Turkish politics, and a cold shower for president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the astonishing winner in last year’s presidential and parliamentary elections. Never a dull moment in Turkish politics, so say seasoned analysts of bi…
Approaching 2024: The anatomy of security concerns – Globally and regionally
As the problematic year 2023 storms towards its conclusion, carrying with it a flood of alarmist analyses in the international discourse with regards to the global and regional security situation, it would seem imperative to seek to specify the securit…
Winds of war over Gaza – and beyond
As conditions in the US Congress, with House GOP:s frantically struggling to unite over whom to chair its House caucus, continue to display dysfunctionality, president Biden has been put to the ultimate test as world leader in times of international di…
Mourning becomes Syria’s army of refugees
Recent trends in Syria and Turkey again direct focus on the incredible tragedy of Syria in general and the millions of Syrian refugees and IDP:s in particular, the victims of the for-ever conflicts within and around war-ridden Syria, for all the indiff…
Turkey at the crossroads – Five more of the same, or Zeitenwende à la Turca
At the time of writing Turkey’s (or nowadays Turkiye’s) immensely important elections, parliamentary and presidential, two simultaneous but complementary dramas, are but a few weeks ahead. At stake is much more than a mere change or not of government; …
Iraq 20 years after the gravely mistaken US invasion: Reflections on lessons learned
Iraq, squeezed between Iran and the Arab/Sunni world, and internally between its Shia majority and its Sunni (and Kurdish) minority, is a demographic miracle. The demographic miracle – hardships before, grim prospects ahead By 1990 – after the long yea…
Israel in deep trouble: whence and where to?
It has of late become inevitable to warn that things in and about Israel – domestically as well as internationally – have turned even more ugly than what pessimistic analysts of the Israeli political scene after Benjamin Netanyahu’s ominous electoral v…
Africa’s giant facing elections – Nigeria’s uncertain way ahead
We shall soon see if Nigeria, this enormous and fast growing giant of Africa, will provide a living example to show that Western liberal democracy can be made to work, with an orderly and peaceful transfer of power, even in a context of a mega-size cou…